Our latest issue, "Animalia," is available now in print and as an ebook!

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The Illusions Issue, Summer 2022

The Illusions Issue, Summer 2022

Just when you thought summer was over—we are excited to announce the release of our Summer 2022 issue, THE ILLUSIONS ISSUE, guest edited by Jose Diego Medina. Available in digital and print.

From the introduction:

The illusion of self. The illusion of living. The illusion of a timeline. The illusion of love. The illusion of money. The illusion of a truth. The illusion of history’s march. The illusion of safety. The illusion of duty. The illusion of reckoning. The illusion of the lie. The illusion of when and where, and the decision made. The illusion that what has happened has never happened in some way, in some form, gaining or fading, present or at the edges, to be again, whether noticed or not. Then, too, the illusion of seeing. 

All of which is to say that we don’t understand. And yet art tries.

Featuring poetry, prose, and art by Montana Agte-Studier, Basie Allen, Brittany K. Allen, Damien Belliveau, A.J. Bermudez, Justin Chandler, Janet Ciejka, Elias Diakolios, Edward Helfers, Nancy Hightower, Wendy Wilder Larsen, Blake Levario, Julia Levy, Sarah Matthes, Holly Messitt, Iva Moore, Toye Oladinni, Alana Saab, Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman, Leigh Sugar, Bitite Vinklers, and Moshe Zeilingold.

"Lot's Wives" by Marie Biondolillo

"Lot's Wives" by Marie Biondolillo

"A Suitable Abortion" by Julia Levy

"A Suitable Abortion" by Julia Levy